Astrology of August 17-23 2020

Ut sed maximus odio. Nam bibendum, diam sed rhoncus sagittis, sapien odio consectetur mauris, nec imperdiet justo ligula ac ante. Sed eu lectus ac est sagittis gravida. Nam quis porttitor justo, eu lobortis lorem. Praesent pharetra porttitor venenatis. Curabitur ac sollicitudin magna. Sed a massa sed dui scelerisque condimentum. Pellentesque semper rhoncus eros suscipit pellentesque. Duis quis orci sit amet quam accumsan tempor. 

Welcome to Venus Rises, Your Astrology for the Week! Your Hosts: Rebecca Bihr & Bronwyn Simons Astrological Events of August 16 - 23 2020 Heart Centered Creativity and Courage In the very first episode of the Venus Rises Podcast, Bronwyn and Rebecca talk about working with the energies of fire and water and bringing them down to earth.